



Two months later, I’m finally writing about our adventure.

On the 2nd of June, we boarded a plane to Nuremberg followed by an hour train ride which led us to our final destination – Munich.

For the first day, we decided that we wanted to be typical tourists hence explore the city centre and the main attractions. We headed to Marienplatz – being the core of the city centre and a warm sunny day it was quite busy. In the main square, the stunning architecture of the city hall cannot be missed.




We continued by exploring the city on foot before heading to the German Museum. The queue to the ticket booths were unbelievably long however we had the bright idea to buy the tickets online which saved us the trouble of having to wait hours. Personally, as I’m not a big fan of museums, I wasn’t really impressed by this one. For all those that like museums and are interested in science and technology – the German Museum is definetly worth a visit. Having said that, being a big fan of roof-top views, the view from the upper most level was excellent!

View from the Deutsches Museum 

Maximillaneum Building, the State Parliament

On two evenings we’ve been to two different beer gardens. Both places were a few minutes away on foot from our hotel. We (well, mostly me) tried some typical German food (including a dip made of fat – sounds yucky but tastes a bit better!) and beer.

Dinner at Giesinger Bräustüberl

Having rented a car, we were on a mission to visit a castle and a palace. First we drove to Linderhof Palace, which is one hour and half away from Munich by car. The palace was very impressive and it’s surrounding gardens provided for a lovely walk. We then drove for another hour to Neuschwanstein Castle. Before getting to the village of Hohenschwangau where we could park our car, we were met by a lovely typical Bavarian small town. The weather was no longer in our favour and in fact it was windy and it also started to rain! The castle is on a hill and the most convenient way to get to it is by a bus (which was super-packed every time it picked up tourists!). We had to wait for a while in the rain as there was a long queue due to the fact that the bus was not driving very frequently. The perfect spot to see the castle is by walking on a wooden bridge which in the fog, wind and rain didn’t feel very safe! The view of the castle made overcoming the fear of the bridge all worth it as it seemed to be a castle out of a fairytale.


View on our way to the castles

Linderhof Palace


Neuschwanstein Castle

The day has arrived! We booked the tickets for the concert 8 months before the actual date so it was indeed a long wait for this day! As we still had the car we drove to the Olympiastadium. We decided that the most sensible decision would be to go to the venue super early as to find parking (and I was too excited to do anything else!). Close by the Olympiastadium is the BMW World where we spent some time away from the rain. Due to security reasons we needed to be at the venue well before time because of checks that were going on, before being allowed in the venue. We were quite lucky as we didn’t have to wait at all to be allowed in. The whole process went smoothly – even given the fact that we actually followed the instructions of not bringing any big bags with us and umbrellas.

More waiting and two performers later it was time for Coldplay! The show was incredible – an experience that cannot be explained in words. The whole crowd had a wonderful vibe. It goes without saying that Coldplay themselves were excellent – they gave a brilliant show and connected to the crowd very well. I felt so happy (and very grateful that my boyfriend actually bought us tickets to do this) that at times I wanted to happy-cry. It is certainly an experience I recommend (even though I absolutely hate crowded places!).

By the end of the holiday we were left with amazing memories and one more thing crossed off the bucket list 🙂


Coldplay Concert at Olympiastadium